Hey, guys!! I apologize for not posting in a while, but I feel that I learned something that is truly worth sharing with all of you. Youth group at my church is always exciting, providing thought-provoking conversations each week that encourage each of us to turn our focus inwards to understand what God has in... Continue Reading →

Love and Respect

Within the past week, two phrases were presented to me, both of which have resonated with me on some level. The first was said by my World History professor as we discussed the progression of "armchair philosophers" that led to the French Revolution. This is what it boiled down to: "Our respect for other people... Continue Reading →

  I recently attended the funeral of an old family friend, who died quite suddenly of a brain tumor that showed itself just one month before it killed him. He was forced to leave behind the love of his life and three children, but the entire city of Chadron, Nebraska, mourned a good man taken... Continue Reading →

I don't know about the rest of you, but my winter break sped by much too fast in a blur of traveling, binge-watchng tv shows, and an on-going Mario Kart rivalry. Though it went by much too quickly, this break was a much-needed respite from the stresses and overstimulation of college. Books were read, many... Continue Reading →

I'm not the soap-opera, cheesy kidz-bop type, but there exists a show that slowly grew on me and will probably stay forever. It's name? "Liv & Maddie" (it's still on Netflix, if you're interested). I won't go into details, mostly because I don't want to spoil it for you if you decide to watch it... Continue Reading →

A Clear Thought

Happy people don't sit around and wait for the stars to finally align and construct them a perfect life--they go out and claim that life themselves. When my schedule for this past semester finally arrived in the mail, I was not the first to see it. Instead, it was my family, who decided to open... Continue Reading →

A couple of months ago, my college hosted one of the most amazing speakers I've ever had the pleasure of listening to: Kevin Hines. Among one of the less than one percent of people that have survived jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, this dude is on fire, spreading his message of encouragement and hope across... Continue Reading →

We just celebrated the season of thankfulness. What were you thankful for? Your bed? Your education? Your family? What about individual people? While you were at home eating everything in sight, did you remember to tell individual people that you  appreciated them, as well? As we learned in class, there are eight major ways in... Continue Reading →

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